Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Strides and Slackerdom

I still haven't taken him in for therapy sessions. I know. I'm horrible. Of course his health and his eating is EXTREMELY important to me. But life is busy. Life is exhausting. And I keep convincing myself that maybe he doesn't need it after all.

The good news is, Ayden is making progress. He is now 32 months old so he has some basic reasoning skills. This does not mean (in ANY way) that he is a reasonable person. He is still very much a toddler. Toddlers are not reasonable. Teenagers are not reasonable... somewhere in between they're briefly reasonable and if my children are anything like me, they will never be reasonable again.


Ayden has been (grudgingly) allowing me to talk him into fruits and vegetables at almost every meal. No, he's not eating a whole banana or a large helping of broccoli yet, but the fact that he will not only touch it but TAKE A BITE and CHEW and SWALLOW it... that's enough for me right now. Today I got him to eat two dried pineapple bits. True, they're kinda sugary, but they are better than NO pineapple bits. He also (on his own) put a dried cherry in his mouth. Yep, we were revisiting dried fruit today.

So this is good news. It is progress. And I am grateful! <3

Oh and another notable change... I think Ayden is done nursing. He nursed once on Thursday, not at all yesterday and not at all today. The one time he asked today, he was easily redirected. I have mixed feelings. Of course I'm glad that he's independent and confident enough now that he doesn't feel he needs it. And of course, I'm glad to once again be the only one who can claim ownership to my body... but part of me worries that he won't get all those nutrients that he was getting from me. It is the main reason I didn't try to wean him sooner. I'll also miss those times when we would just stop whatever we're doing, sit, relax and snuggle. Of course we can still do these things, but I have a feeling he will be too busy for that all too soon.