Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just talked to the insurance company (yes I'm a bad, bad mommy for procrastinating, but I just hadn't had the time during business hours to call) and after the deductible is met, they will cover 100% of his weekly visits (provided there is medical necessity, which there is)! WooHOO!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Slow Progress

So we've been taking the suggestions from the Feeding Clinic and applying them the best we can to daily life.

About two weeks ago at daycare Ayden ate TWO hamburger patties and tried everything on his plate! We were very excited! However, on Sunday he didn't want to have anything to do with his burger... not sure what the difference was, but I wasn't going to press it.

Other than that, there has been little progress... but I will take any progress we can get!